Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What Language Should You Learn?

Found an interesting site (
It has many short quizzes on many interesting topics and this is one of those I tried :)

What Language Should You Learn?

... and surprising result.... ^.^

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.
Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007







Monday, June 25, 2007









同事說我短頭髮好看,這我想我也認同,只是小時候有一次在旅行途中正要進洗手間時被一個同團的團友抓住,慌忙地告訴我"男廁在那邊啊!";加上中學時代auntie K又常常說我像tom boy,這tom boy外表成為了童年陰影,每當頭髮剪得太短都會不開心(即使剪得好看..)...




Friday, June 22, 2007




From 08-08-2006 to today, it is 318 days.

What will I be doing on 08-08-2007?
The equestrian fields will be under lock-down period before the Good Luck Beijing HKSAR 10th Anniversary Cup commencing on 11-13th.

And 08-08-2008 will be the first day of Beijing 2008!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

break time...

What is the best to do during a break? Besides sipping a cuppa or chewing some snacks, mind trip is what I often do. These few days I keep thinking about Sydney probably because of the many Aussie cues perceived recently.

The Aussie trainers, the koala clip I got from a game (you know, those little furry koala clip you see in every souvenir shop in Australia), the Aussie humor, my brother's calls, books from Koorong...

Recently Sue got a chance to revisit Sydney for "work". She was asked to travel with a girl who's going to start her study life there and to show her around and get settled. What a dream job! I couldn't help start thinking of my favorite places and how I would plan a trip like that.

I haven't visited Sydney for almost 3 years by now. Last time was for landing after the PR visa was granted. I was thinking seriously to take up some studies for the 2 years residence required for the citizenship. Then for some reason, I'm still here, and my PR visa will expire quite soon too. Should take a authentic Aussie break before the visa expires....

Places I miss so much: Manly, Maroubra, Chatswood, fish market, the Rocks, Circular Quay, West Ryde, Hyde Park, Warringah Mall... and of course UNSW!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Intensive Training

Although volunteers don't get paid for serving in the Olympic games, it doesn't mean the organizer won't spend much on the group.

6/17 was the first full-day training. Since the volunteers of Sydney 2000 has gained very high reputation for their sincerity and few drop out, the organizer invited trainers from Australia to give the lectures. The manual was 1cm thick, color printed on quality paper. Lunch was also provided. Consider that there will be 4 more full day training plus many evening seminars, the organizer is actually investing a lot of resources on the volunteers.

This day, the program covered the basic knowledge about the Olympic and equestrian games, customer serving skills, first aid awareness and security control. It is simply too much for 1 day, but I still enjoyed it very much, partly because it was informative and the hall was comfortable, it felt like the Australian accent of the speakers and the whole setting has taken me back to those carefree happy college days.

Friday, June 15, 2007


唔...原來小白喜歡泡cereal的牛奶呢!! 好可愛啊~♪

Thursday, June 14, 2007



HR的同事中,有十分幫忙的,也有覺得麻煩的... 聽到覺得麻煩的同事在一旁嘀咕,老實說有點生氣,但她和A沒有感情,也難怪...


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Such a fine day

although it was raining all day, even after the entire night of pouring rain plus hard storms and lightening.

During the P2SS break, two little angels came and held my hands when we walk back to class. One eagerly told me how she liked the choir experience she had last week and sang me the hymns. She actually just rushed through the scores as if she worried that I didn't have enough time to hear her. The other told me that she is a bit worried because she is going to sing in the children choir next week during the adult services. A P2 child will get nervous as there will be about 800 audiences in each service. Such a sweet surprise that she smiled so happily when I told her I will sit in the front rows to hear her. Feeling being trusted by the children is the most rewarding gift from the P2SS service :)

PP2, TC & I finally made the time to have lunch together! We went yum-cha in a nearby restaurant. We talked about TC's Italy trip, movies, China experience, missionary trip experience, and even politics (!!). It was very relaxing and enjoyable. It was 4pm when we left the restaurant -- 4 hours non-stop talking!! Wow...! No wonder the Chinese say "3 women form a market place" (i.e. it gets noisy when 3 women gather)... But I really enjoyed it and hope we can do it more often :)

Bought a new pillow. Hope it would help me rest better. Now I know how much the Pilates class helped me. The neck and shoulder pain is coming back after I skipped classes for 3 weeks, so does my back pain... Ouch!

Home alone tonight. What can I cook for dinner le...? Should make something I love to end this fine day :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007





For One More Day

Good books make you read.

After the "heaven" book and the "tuesday" book, "For One More Day" is the one I carry around recently. Also a novel by Mitch Albom. This is significant as it is the third book by the same author in a month time, and it is actually the first novel (besides those highschool readings) I ever bought.

This is a book about a man and his mother. This man was once a famous baseball player. But on the day of his mother's funeral, he collapsed. He has never realized the importance of his mother to his life. His life started to fall apart when he indulges himself in drinking. One day, he decided to end it all. After 2 unsuccessful attempts, he went back to the house in his hometown. When he entered the house, to his stunning surprise, he met his mother ('s ghost). They spent a day together and he get to know more about his mother...

The story drifts between the present, the past and the incidents the man listed out as "times my mother stood up for me" and "times I did not stand up for my mother". The way he listed out the past incidents made me start thinking about my own relationship with my mother. There were in fact times she stood up for me and times I did not stand up for her. There were also times she stood up for me but I did not appreciate it. I'm glad that I can have such reflection now -- when my mother is still with me...

Monday, June 04, 2007

朋友 vs B&S



Saturday, June 02, 2007

兒女 vs 奴僕



而在東湖好幾次看到這樣的情景 -- 雇主和家傭一起選點心,雇主又著家傭點一些合胃口的食物,有說有笑,相處融洽.家傭放下筷子時,雇主又會夾東西給家傭吃.當然這些家傭會不時給主人添茶,也會聽主人吩咐去明檔拿取食物,但他們臉上會掛著輕鬆的笑容.這樣的情景令人感到一份暖意從心底湧流出來.然而,無論主僕相處如何融洽,在僕人的心中,主人的權威是絕對性的.就算遇到好雇主,還是會有三分戰競,亦不敢有甚麼頂撞的說話或行為.

看看鄰桌的一家人 -- 孩子挑吃,媽媽會皺著眉篤促孩子把碗裡的食物吃光;孩子會拉著爸爸去明檔拿想吃的雞翼、蝦多士;孩子去尿尿,爸爸媽媽會跟在後面走.看起來很平常的一幅圖畫,卻十分溫馨.家人的相處中有時候有衝突,孩子有時候不聽話,父母會很「勞氣」,但過後就沒事了.下一頓飯時,孩子還是會撒嬌挑吃,媽媽還是會在一旁囉唆.因為他們是一家人.
