During the actual event, there won't be any storage provided for us so we have to carry all our belongings in a small hip bag provided. Sun glasses is a must. To save the trouble to store my glasses, I bought disposable contact lenses for the coming outdoor practises and work. Today is also the trial day for the lenses :)
The drill consisted of 4 sessions, the volunteers will be acting as spectator or worker in each session. Each volunteer got a set of scenario card with clear instructions of what kind of trouble to make when acting as the spectator.
Mine was marshal (entrance) ⇒ a mother who lost her little son ⇒ a friend accompanying a friend on a wheelchair ⇒ usher.
I lost my son again! In the previous training, I already lost him once... ^^;
When I grabbed a volunteer on the passage and acted a hysterical mother asking for help, suddenly a middle-aged man approached and started to tell me to stay calm. Of course I wouldn't (it is fun to cause trouble.. haha) and continue to act panically. Then the middle man showed his accreditation card and said, "I'm a police. Stay calm!" (and he is a real one..)
The volunteer and I were a bit stunned as we didn't know the cops on duty were in the game too... For one moment I think I should stop but I didn't because it is fun to play this kind of game with a real cop! haha
In the previous training, we were told that for an 8-hour shift, a volunteer will be entitled to 1 meal and some refreshment. I must confess that at that time I thought this arrangement was quite mean as standing and moving around for 8 hours, 1 tuck shop meal and some refreshment (an icecream? may be?) can't sustain us.
Today, I was proved completely wrong.
Look at this refreshment coupon!

500ml water x 2
500ml juice x 1
500ml carbonated drink x 1
500ml sport drink x 1
Icecream cup/ cone x 1
Fruit x 1
Cake x 1
Snickers bar x 1
And the lunch was also surprisingly nice. We had five choices -- rice, pasta, sandwiches... However, on such a hot day, hot food is certainly not a good choice for me.

This is what I had:
Pineapple & chicken foccacia, mushroom cream soup, potato salad & a banana. The dessert was one of the refreshments ^^

Pasta of the day...

During the afternoon session, T, M & I acted as a companion of a friend in wheelchair. When we approached the spectator stand, no one offered help nor guidance at all! We complained loudly and impatiently (of course just pretending), the "wheelchair friends" even raced along the pathway! And even so, no usher came to us!! Well, the usher team obviously didn't do their job, but we had lots of fun ^^
Thanks God for the occasional breeze and thick pieces of cloud that shield the burning sun from time to time. But, still, 2 volunteers got the heat stroke!

A hysterical mother? Sounds funny. Must show how it is to us.
Haha! You'll laugh!
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