Counting Blessings

- I did not cough during the flight... the flu recovered quicker than usual :)
- Very pleasant weather -- dry, not too hot, refreshing breeze during morning & evening
- Beautiful sky and greens, big moon at night
- Honest and sincere taxi driver
- SF colleagues are so nice and helpful
- Rewarding meetings and information exchange -- at least we know where to start now
- Inspiring discussion about the RA with S
- We didn't experience any network and system troubles this time
- We were able to complete monthend closing smoothly
- Great food -- the baked crab, bagels, coffee, Vietnamese noodles, TGIFs lunch...
- Lots of personal space and time
- Peace and joy
- Able to overcome jet lag on the 2nd day
- Mails and messages from caring friends
- Knowing that I'm so loved and blessed by God
- He listens to prayers
- He is faithful
- He gives me peace
- He kept my mind clear during meeting and work
- He knows what I need and provide
- I'm loved not because I'm good but because He is love
See you pictures and read your words. Glad to see His blessings to you all the way. Enjoy the trip. Bagels are yummy, see!!
God has been blessing me richly... :)
Yes! Bagels are yummy :q
I had bagels for breakfast for 4 mornings... haha.
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