There were years when work was very demanding and had put me under heavy stress. But I still managed to find myself many moments of comfort -- from a gourmet coffee in my hand, short walks on a quiet street in late nights, the quiet time and silent prayers, listening to my favorite songs... People have different needs for togetherness and solitude. I need the later very much. It is the time to recollect thoughts and calm my nerves.
Nowaday, the much reduced overtime work allows me to ride on the ferry more often. It takes longer to get home but it is a faster way to restore my soul after work. There are of course many other people too, but whether it is at the terminal or on the ferry, I can always go by the window, looking at the scenic harbour and detach myself from the crowd.
The night view of the Victoria Harbour is really beautiful -- luminous buildings in different shape lit up in all sorts of colors, dazzling and glamourous (well, everyone knows...). When the ferry approaches the destination, the movement of the people on the street slowly come to sight. And I can also see people working through the windows of the nearby buildings. Sometimes I'll wonder why they are still working and may be their minds have already flown home or elsewhere...?
On the bus home, I can't help peeking into the flats it passes by. I know it is not good but it is really interesting to catch a glimpse at others' home. You just see different lives.
The night view of the residential area may be less colorful and glamourous than the harbour, but looking from distant, the little light dots are like souls dwelling in small boxes, and every light dot has it's own story. Somewhere out there a life might be celebrating, enjoying time with friends, families...; and somewhere out there a life might be suffering or undergoing some enormously difficult time... It takes my stresses away and brings in a profoundly peaceful night.

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