But God's grace is always sufficient, this weekend is again filled with grace and blessings :)
The Olympic volunteer recharge meeting began with a long-waited gathering among 5, but then grew to 6 and the 6 of us signed up for the same days. Although we might not be working in the same team on those days, it is still very exciting and heart-warming to have buddies to share the joy, the challenges, the good and bad times of this historical event. The unusual arrangement of transportation and shift time is an added excitement to the event. Wow...! I'm looking forward to it soooooo much!!
And thanks to the Ezra buddies, while I was quite unsure how to unfold certain points in the Scripture, the group was well prepared and had a solid discussion. I think the whole group gained something from the BS. I really enjoy BS with B&S who are serious about the Words. It is so inspiring, encouraging and is just a blessing!
This week, I finally got a chance to share with the P2SS class about my Holyland trip! I often wonder if they know that the stories they are hearing every week are in no way any fairy tale but history and true stories happened in the past. It is important to link these stories to the real world. That's why I like showing them photos during story time whenever it is possible.
As I thought, they were so surprised when they found out that the places they heard of exist in the present world, the people actually lived. They now know Israelites are the Jews, there are many people do not know Jesus, Egypt is now a very poor country while Israel, as the chosen people, are blessed with intelligence and wisdom to prosper in the desert land. I only slept for 4 hours for preparing the ppt material. But seeing their fascinated faces, hearing their excited "wow!"s, answering their eager queries... it is just so rewarding and satisfying. I hope this can help them to understand Jesus and the Bible world better. No better blessing than knowing God and loving God from early age. May God bless these little ones.

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