Tuesday, June 20, 2006



3)One can be praying but not believing.
4)overcome 成長過程中形成的軟弱,不健康的價值觀。
6)和C一起補大鑊,過程中體驗良多 -- 一個小錯誤可引發大問題;激氣又要平心靜氣溝通其實幾難;上司的作用就是解決危機。耶穌基督是抱著怎樣的心情為我們擔當罪債呢?作爲別人的上司,當怎樣對待下屬才像主呢?

Thursday, June 08, 2006


5月時A著我出差日本訪問客戶收集下期的budget data,一半不願意,一半因爲小L已兩年沒訪問過客戶,説服了A讓小L去。
8月有RA Seminar,A建議我順道探訪客戶。也是一半不願意,一半覺得這次的Seminar不參加比較好,結果説服了A8月可以不去。
可是小L Visa到期要從新簽證,A希望7月前我們可以拜訪到客戶,結果還是逃不過這trip。。。





Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Back from Trip...

Japan trip was wonderful! Dr. Choy is a great companion – not sure if she will feel the same way, but at least I enjoyed traveling with her very much :)

Michiko’s home is smaller than expected, but her hospitality has made the stay very cosy and comfortable. As told by Ms. So, she loves cooking! She makes her own miso, pickles, hand-grind her own cuppa, and even process her own rice from brown rice!

It is funny that how our plans got changed – although we marked many sightseeing spots in Yokohama, Michiko has turned our stay in Yokohama into something totally unexpected. Only the 三渓園, church service and Chinese dinner were from our schedule, 森の家 stay and イトウテルミー Michiko arranged for us made this trip a special and unique one. We enjoyed the walk, the pottery in the 森の家; the therapy was so relaxing, and the bunch of snacks after the therapy gave us extra energy to prepare for dinner; and how can I forget the pupラフォレ who loves melon?!

The church visit was the most meaningful event for me. The 洋光台クリスト教会 is a congregation with about 100 members. Their church building is small but very nice, so are the people. Michiko was in charge of the young adult Sunday school, but besides Michiko, Dr. Choy and me, only 1 sister joined. We shared our stories freely and joyously and got to know more about Michiko. During service, Dr. Choy made the testimony and I did the translation – I’m so thankful that God let me serve Him with Japanese for the first time. We joined their lunch gathering after service -- we had a simple lunch box prepared by the aunties, pickles made by Michiko, then finished with homemade apple pie and tea. I’m so thankful to have met Doreen, a HK lady who got married and lives in Japan. Her sharing about her marriage and parent’s conversion was so encouraging. God works in His own way and His own time! We only need to pray earnestly.

During the stay in Yokohama, there were times when I felt uncomfortable about what Michiko expected from me. But God reminded me of the intention to serve when planning for this trip. And I thanked God and Dr. Choy for this special trip. With a serving and humble heart, everything became a blessing and special gift from God. It is really amazing that this simple change in attitude could make a big difference to the whole trip.