Sunday, May 18, 2008



小玉正在放長假,卻有兩個demanding的trip不得不去,而兩trip之間只有一天去catch up工作.加上那catch up日只有我一個M在公司,要一個人兼顧四個人的事務.要兼顧的太多,而每樣工作的deadline都逼在眼前,唯有改變做法,事事速戰速決.不過天父十分恩待,在出差期間裡收到的master application很少,而且在這期間也沒有甚麼特別大的問題發生,能夠順利渡過只能感恩.


而且天父早就預備了一份大禮,讓我在這"苦差"期間有一點盼望 -- 那就是哥哥會回家幾天!
更奇妙的是我們在同一天回港,而且飛機到達的時間也差不多呢!結果爸媽到機場接哥哥,順道也接我,一家四口開開心心地回家 :)

我們很久沒有這樣一家團聚了!上一次哥哥回來是在爸爸做手術的時候.一家人能這樣健健康康齊齊整整地一起吃飯一起聊天真的是一份無比的福氣.特別是在四川震災裡看到許許多多生離死別家破人亡的報導,只覺得要更加珍惜和家人在一起的一分一秒 -- 這些都不是必然的...


哥哥這次回家拖著一個大旅行箱, 裡面放的就是這些夾公仔遊戲機的戰利品...
這隻除外... :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


From Japan to Hong Kong, then from Hong Kong to Shanghai...
These sweeties have travelled a long way with me. Just looking at them has sweetened up my day.
Their buddies have fueled me through this hectic week. Every bite tastes friendship and support.

Thank you, Rie!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



豆腐皮是當地的"名物".這個有腐皮的肉包子賣350日圓..好貴啊(>_<)... 不過味道不錯呢..^^





Monday, May 12, 2008

Wonderful weekend…

Hummmm… How should I describe the past weekend? Relaxing, refreshing, fulfilling, energizing... it was just great!

The day trip to Nikko was a much wanted retreat – to be away from the crowd, work and the city, and to marvel at God’s creation. The misty air, the mixed smell of the trees, flowers and damp earth, the sounds of the waterfalls, birds, rain dropping on the tree leaves, the cold breeze -- it was the gentle whisper from our awesome Creator.

It was an unusually cold day, only 12 degrees in the morning and dropped to 9 in the afternoon. To me, it was an added bonus. I like the contrast of feeling the cold wind blowing on my face and the growing warmth from the inside when walking in cold weather. It may sound strange, but it is the moment I’m most aware of my own existence. I’m so glad that God has given me lots of chance to enjoy the colder-and-longer-than-usual winter in the past few months – the Holyland trip, then Japan, Korea, Korea, Japan. Wow…

On the first day of this trip, God challenged me with a message. And on this day, He made Himself clearer on the same message during our silent conversation. The peace left in my heart after the day lingered on and on.

I was glad to have found a church close to the hotel so that I can attend Sunday service. It locates in a small building and is a congregation of about 90 people. As I’m only a visitor, I didn’t stay for their lunch gathering. If I’ll have the chance to revisit again, I wish to know more about them.

The afternoon spent with Rie was delighting. She has always been a great friend to share every thought and feeling freely. Time spent with her is always too short. We visited the Tokyo National Museum but only had time to see 1 of the 4 buildings. I didn’t know there are so many museums in the Ueno Park. Got to spare more time for Ueno next time...

The 2 days was as good as a 5-day trip. Wish to have a lovely short trip like this soon.. :)

Thursday, May 08, 2008



因為預先做了online check-in,所以在起飛前1小時到達機場.在counter的地勤姐姐查不到我的紀錄,才發現原來我看錯了起飛時間,那時候離起飛時間只有25分鐘.理所當然地要改乘一小時後的航班......


不過心裡十分平安,或許因為我有得救的確據吧? :)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Torch Relay @ Hong Kong

The 1st day off taken for the Olympic events was for helping in the community celebration activities on the torch relay day. Although helpers might not be able to see the torch at all, but it is as good just being able to participate and help making the celebration successful :)

It was a bit discouraging to see the rain and I worried that the public will loss the passion to support the event. But this worry was soon proven unnecessary when the groups flied in with great excitment, wearing the "中國加油" stickers under their raincoats, and filled over 10,000 seats at the Shatin Racecourse. We reluctantly turned away quite a few comers. I was really sorry for a few who had flags in their hands and stickers on them.

Later when I found out from the news that over 100,000 people were on the street in the rain from early morning to show support, wearing red tops, waving China or HKSAR flags, and even directly confronted several protest groups, HK people's patriotic spirit has never been felt so strong.