Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Originally I have reserved the Christmas Eve for inviting mom and dad to the evangelical meeting but eventually was left spending the night alone. No need to rush home, I slowly strolled down to the Star Ferry from the office. There were so many people shopping, taking photos of the Christmas decorations and enjoying the atmosphere.

They looked very happy, but what is making them happy is the highly commercialized Christmas and has nothing doing with the true meaning of Christmas -- celebration of the birth of our Savior and that people can be reconciled with God.

On the ferry, I asked God, "I can't take mom & dad to the evangelical meeting. What I can do to make this a meaningful Christmas?"

At night, I received her call. God has answered me.

May Your blessing be with her, replace her sorrow & grief with Your joy & peace, heal her broken heart and set her free.

Monday, December 22, 2008




當他轉眼看我(大概是感受到我的熱情視線),我就使出招牌笑容和擺手"hello~~"了一聲,然後小男孩帶點驚訝地小聲地回了一聲"Miu Miu老師".他的爸媽不認識我,所以看到自己的孩子突然和陌生人打招呼顯得有點錯愕,我也急忙向他們自我介紹一番.


嘻嘻嘻...原來主日學老師還是有一丁點威嚴喔...! ^^

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Work in the past few months has been demanding and draining. This retreat day was a get-away that I have long been looking forward to.

I love the state of mind when I feel a profound calmness emptying all the entangling thoughts and emotions from my mind. This is the moment when I'm more ready to listen to the small voice and refocus on God. But it often takes hours or even days to let my heart settle down. So I really appreciated this retreat -- with a short and easy hike, which I love, followed with a delicious healthy meal, that helped me to relax and be prepared for the personal quiet time, meditation, and praise & worship time following.

During the hike, God has inspired me that evangelical work is like planting. Some earth takes less work to cultivate but some takes ages. And some seeds take longer to start geminate and grow. But no matter how hard we work, it is God who give life to the plant. We cannot make a seed to geminate, we can only do what is suitable as much as we can.

God has been speaking to me on 2 issues recently and reminded me again during the retreat. One is the problem of my pride, and the second that I must learn to face and accept the true self. It was, probably, the first time that I admit explicitely that there are people I don't like. But this is important and can be done in a healthy way -- by presenting the issue in front of God and let God help me through. Well, I don't think the hurts will disappear all in a sudden, but I will be able to handle the relationship in a healthier way.

Thanks to F for taking time preparing and leading this retreat, and thanks to my b&s who are loving and caring and have made this retreat a warm and comforting fellowship time.




誰知道今天真的又看到牠們... :)

Friday, December 12, 2008




結果今年決定寫一張生日卡,送上最棒的禮物 -- 一張福音單張和自己的一點心聲.






Tuesday, December 09, 2008





a wonderous call

Yesterday I suddenly missed JS very much and sent her an email. She replied quickly and suggested to call me instead of emailing me. Last night was actually the best timing for us to catch up with each other over a, probably very, long call as mom & dad were not home.

It was long -- almost 3 hours! I can't recall any longer call than this one in my life. I'm not the kind of person who like talking on the phone. But talking with friends like JS is different. We don't need time to warm-up and can go straight into deep sharings. We can discuss and share our weaknesses, failure and needs without any hesitation because we know the person one's talking to will and is ready to accept what one is. When we share our joys and God's amazing work in our lives, we give thanks for each other delightfully and praise God for His wisdom and grace in each other's life. This trust is built up through the years we lived together and the way we witnessed each other's growth in Christ. More importantly, because we share the same life and goal in Christ.

After we have talked for about 2 hours, JS told me that in the past few days, she was thinking in her pursue of holiness, who she can find support and encouragement from. I was one of those popped up in her mind. But she was a bit hesitated as we're so far apart and we share so little in common after I returned to HK. Then came my email, then her call, and then the conversation both of us found a blessing from God.

Who can make all these work together so amazingly except our Heavenly Father? :)

Saturday, December 06, 2008







噢...還有一大堆紀念品... :)

星期一去EqCo拿BOCOG證書前,在電郵也知道會得到一枚紀念金章,而在敏敏的FB也已經知道金章長甚麼樣;但拿到時真有點驚喜--金章上的圖案一面是跨越障礙物造型的馬匹,另一面是香港區旗上的紫荊花,被鑲放在一座水晶座裡,漂亮奪目.這金章乃限量生產5000枚的京奧紀念金章,雖說不是為了這些而參與義工,因服務得到嘉許而獲贈這樣貴重的紀念品感覺可真有點像運動員拿到獎牌一樣.好開心啊~ ^^

Thursday, December 04, 2008



過去十幾年的迅速發展讓中國政府可以不惜工本大興土木建設奧運所需的一切硬件,而整體社會能以在過去幾個好年頭慢慢build up起來的無比熱情和興奮迎接北京奧運,締造了"京奧夢幻世界".其實經濟下滑情況早在2007年已經浮現,但各國人民仍然在享受經濟蓬勃發展的餘韻,北京奧運的成功確實有"天時"的配合.雖然過去失落了舉辦2000年奧運的機會,卻可能是塞翁失馬.


2008年12月3日 (三)







