Saturday, September 30, 2006

Exciting Day

FLJ discussion -- press conference, reception, meeting the chief... I'm getting really excited about the event.

Back to office for closing. It seems there are many wasteful work in the current practice. The admin operation definitely need to and can be streamlined. Many ideas came up to mind...

Got a good cut!

老四滷鹅tastes so good!

The tea cup and saucer set is so cute. The little after dinner dessert was delighting...

Thursday, September 28, 2006






Tuesday, September 26, 2006

酒鬼 vs 茶客


酒鬼 vs 茶客
輩分:酒鬼 < 茶客
職位:酒鬼 < 茶客
智慧:酒鬼 < 茶客
風度:酒鬼 < 茶客
人品:酒鬼 < 茶客




Friday, September 22, 2006


Received an email from the minshuku owner, telling me that C&C departed toady and some of his thoughts.

He said he was sorry to get a bit upset with the troubles about the advance payment. He explained that he had a bad experience with a guest who did not settle payment before hand and even had problem collecting it afterward.

Running a small minshuku business in country area, the payment problem experience must have troubled them very much. After offering all the service and food and hot-spring facilities, they do not earn much from each guest. Although our payment also got a bit delayed, he has been very helpful all the way long -- updating what was happening to the mail at Japan side, helping me to plan the package better, and even sent over C&C's pic & reported their departure. If he was a bit less helpful, he might have rejected my booking or asked me to resend the money by TT. Then C&C's stay would have been messed up by me.

He also mentioned that C&C have given him very good and new experience as it is the first time to have foreigner guests. For some reasons, sometimes Chinese are not very welcomed in Japan. But C&C have changed his impression about Chinese people and he enjoyed the encounter with them.

I think C&C also enjoyed the stay :)

For me, making the arrangements, overcoming the troubles, the email exchange with the minshuku, and knowing that the whole thing has facilitated a happy cultural exchange experience... may be I am the one who gained the most???

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Café Velvet

在鳥獸的日子,轉堂時或在library咪書咪得累了,總愛到Moven Brown外的咖啡檔買一杯Café Velvet,邊走邊喝,或坐在library lawn旁的長椅無心地看著那不會動的大鍾。特別在冬天,那燙手的濃香咖啡溢著白巧克力糖漿甜甜的香氣,呷一口,那一刻的享受和寧靜有點像領受聖餐時的神聖感覺。(褻瀆啊!)

PP1訂購Jarrah時,搭單買了一盒White Chocolate來試。味道是不錯了,但白巧克力始終不是我那杯茶。
Tea break時突發奇想,加了一些咖啡粉,希望可以泡出一點點Café Velvet的味道來懷念一下。


Tuesday, September 19, 2006




由於風險問題,速遞公司不能繼續送件,只能請收件人自己去pick up。但民宿在白濵,要人家山長水遠去大阪,儘管我願支付交通費,人家也可能不願意配合。





Monday, September 18, 2006

My Babe

Too cute not to post :)

Sunday, September 17, 2006


曾幾何時,為了某某uncle, auntie疼哥哥多一點而傷心;又因某某人知道某某朋友的秘密自己卻不知道而不開心.反正就是孩子氣極了.





B'day Present

God asked what I wanted for b'day when I woke up. God is generous so I won't just think of the thing I want most. Half awoke, I mentioned a few wishes. But I felt like all these were not what I want most. Then in quiet time, God gave me this.
It has been a draining time. This promised is indeed much needed and it is also the one I have always want to hear from God.

Thank you, Lord!

(From "Experiencing God Day-by-day: Devotional)
Much Beloved

"At the beginning of your supplications the command went out,
and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved;
therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision."

"""For you are beloved."" Could there be any words from God more welcome than these? Daniel was in exile in Babylon as a result of his nation's utter defeat by the Babylonians. He desperately wanted to make sense of his circumstances. So he did what he had done so many times before: he prayed. God immediately dispatched the angel Gabriel. Gabriel revealed that God had sent him to Daniel at the beginning of his supplications. God did not even wait for Daniel to finish his prayer. Why? Because God loved Daniel greatly. What a marvelous testimony! There had been times when Daniel's love for God had been put to the test. Now, when Daniel was in need, God was quick to respond in love to him.

God wants to answer the prayers of those whose hearts are completely His (2 Chron. 16:9). God can accurately orient you to the events of your day. Media, public opinion, and political leaders cannot tell you the truth of your circumstances. Only God can. God loves you and will speak to you in His time. His answer may come immediately as it did in Daniel's case, or it may be delayed, but it will come (Dan. 10: 13). If it seems as though everything is crumbling around you, and you wonder why you do not see God's activity, take comfort in knowing that you are loved in heaven. If you are genuinely seeking God's answers, you can go to your Father confidently with your questions. He will respond to you in love (Luke 11:5-13)."

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The King & The Clown

Have long wanted to see this movie as I'm curious why Li Junki was descibed as "a man more beautiful than woman" for this movie. Tried to look for VCD but couldn't find it.
But last night when I searched in YouTube, I found someone uploaded the whole movie in 14 sessions!!
It looks kind of 'brokeback' but you can't really be sure.
Only watched part of it at the moment, but found it very attractive. 1/4 of the Korean population watched it. There must be something in it.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Peace & Comfort

Stupid Email

ME to ALL:
"Hi all,
9/28 (Thur) is PP3's b'day. What about we celebrate with her over lunch outside??"

YV to ME:
"OK for me"

ME to YV:
"uuhmmm, your reply is so '鬼鼠'. reply all ma!! for such happy thing!!!"

YV to ME:
"How '鬼鼠'??? I am so 大方"

ME to YV:
"by just reply to me only lo! :P
should reply happily to the whole world saying:
"Yes! Hurray!! Let's go!!!!"
ok now, copy this line and reply to all again!!! :P"

YV to ALL:
""Yes! Hurray!! Let's go!!!!""

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Remarkable Day

Despite it is raining outside and that A is in office, today has been a bright wonderful day.

It has always been fun to be with YV, I can say just any stupid things I can think of and tease each other without any odd or bad feeling. I'm so glad that we live close to each other and can often meet on our morning MTR to work. That really makes a sunny start!

Finally got a chance to have a good talk with ER. It was probably the first time ever we talked sincerely outside BS discussion. Hope it did bring peace and encouragement to him.

Feel that relationship with W & H is building up. After I changed my jobs, I can probably hang around and show care more freely.

The secret plan for C&C finally settled. The next is to tell them the details.

In A's email, noticed those GMs called ATP チーママ. It is so humiliating and irrespectful! On one hand they appreciate her work performance but on the other hand they call her by this name. If I was her, I will get very upset and furious. Can't they just respect females more?? The way these Japanese men harassing female staffs is really unbearble. But who can speak out? It is not easy in Japanese companies. If they are coworkers, they probably won't dare to do much; but if they are customers, after they had a few drinks, some of them will behave very impolitely. Those poor ladies can just pretend nothing happened or try to escape politely and skillfully. ATP always drink with them, have silly conversation with them and never show reluctance, so she can build really good relationships with customers. But then these GM secretly name her チーママ...

Now I appreciate the job swarp more as the new assignment will be much less prone to this kind of encounter.

Saturday, September 09, 2006




換之,有紀念宣教日子的民族服裝;一幅在宣教日子裡拍的照片,照片裡頭有兩個小孩子在一片草岥上,有一點淒涼的感覺;在簽字桌上有一朵插在玻璃罩裡的玻璃紅玫瑰,但這玫瑰顏色發黑,有一片花瓣凋落在玻璃盤上.對了!這是Beauty & The Beast裡的那朵玫瑰花.







Wednesday, September 06, 2006






Friday, September 01, 2006


Daddy is home!
Lots of thing to cope with and to take care of, but daddy is home!!