Thursday, September 13, 2007

morning prayer meeting

E has started organizing morning prayer meetings, resuming the Christian gathering in office after a 8-month break from our last BS. Being the only one from H, I didn't always understand their conversation. Although I like the B&S very much, this distant feeling has drawn me back from joining again.
E stresses that this is for praying, medidating and worshiping together so the set up should be more comfortable for me, but I feel I need something more to motivate myself.

A strong urge to pray with PP1 emerged yesterday and we fixed up a prayer meeting over the cereal bowl this morning. Both of us recalled the weekly prayer meeting before Sunday service we continued for years, before we invited other PP to join us. The time we spend together is always energizing and refreshing no matter how troubled or low we are at that time.

Comparing the two, I realized that only mutual trust, love and total acceptance can help me to commit in praying with someone else. (not to mention I need to get up earlier...)

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