Monday, April 30, 2007





每次收到小朋友的禮物心裡都會很感動,雖然通常是一些手功摺紙圖畫之類的東西,總是捨不得丟棄. 這一張是我的珍藏...^^

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Life in the City... by Gordon Smith

In this series of seminar, Rev. Smith pointed out 7 characteristics of the city and suggested 5 spiritual practices that a Christian can exercise to live IN the world but NOT OF the world -- to live as salt and light in this world.

Characteristics of the city:

  1. People are busy and always in hurry:
    Many demands & expectations from work, family, church... People try to pace up to accomplish more
    ** Challenge for Christians: How to slow down?
  2. With lots of noise & interruption:
    Difficult to find a quiet place.
    ** Challenge for Christians: God speak to us in silence.
  3. Huge contrast and inadequecy:
    Wealth v. poverty; the powerful v. powerless... people are often perceived as winner or loser, full of competition.
    ** Challenge for Christians: How to practice thanksgiving and learn to share one's possession with others?
  4. Impersonal:
    City dweller are surrounded by strangers. People are treated as things and depersonalised. Career > relationship.
    ** Challenge for Christians: Love your neighbour.
  5. Artificiality:
    Advertising and other media shapes our values. People are convinced that one's persona can be created on our own. People are not living out their authentic self.
    ** Challenge for Christians: Our values shall based on the Bible.
  6. World of consumption:
    We are urged to buy more, more than we need. Buying becomes a kind of entertainment or therapy.
    ** Challenge for Christians: What do we need?
  7. Human accomplishment:
    Difficult to see the world as built by God. More easy to see it as human construction. Overemphasis of entitlement. People believe what they have is what they earned and deserve for it.
    ** Challenge for Chrisians: Jesus does not take this kind of power. What we have are all gifts from God.

On the other hand, the city attracts resources and hence it's influence is big. Christians need to live in the city in order to make some difference. Christians ought to reject the God of the city by living out the Christian values, and our relationship with Christ is the key.

5 Spiritual practices (daily practice for the lifetime):

  1. Thanksgiving (Col 3:15-17; Ps 100; Rom 5:8):
    Whatever we do, do with thanksgiving, for the Lord is good and His love endures forever. We sin because we doubt the good of God. Even in the darkest day, God is good and His love's still with us.
    Be a thankful receipient but not a demander.
    Everything we have is a gift from God, not earned nor we're not entitled to it.
    Be content in what God has given us.
    ** Exercise: (1) Write down 10 grateful things, take a break, write 10 more, then break again, come back and write 10 more. (2) Take a little walk as a spritual journey with a heart of a pilgrim.
  2. Confession (Jn 16; Ps 139; 1 Jn 1):
    Confession is the intentional response to the Holy Spirit's convicting ministry.
    God is merciful.
    5 elements in confession...
    (1) acknowledge our wrong
    (2) accept the responsibility of what we've done (stop blaming)
    (3) plea for mercy
    (4) live as a forgiven one
    (5) turn away from sin
    Confession is an act of alignment -- to put our life right again.
  3. Meditation (Jn 16; Rm 12:2; Col 3)
    The intentional response to the Holy Spirit's teaching ministry.
    The focus of meditation is not on the scripture but on Jesus. The Scripture helps us to love Jesus more.
    The truth (i.e. the Scripture) has the power to set us free and transform us. Meditation shall lead to action.
    Rediscover the joy of Bible reading and meditating. The Words can meet the deep need n our soul. Read the Bible with heart & mind.
    The Bible will transform our lives if we receive God's Word with joy and meekness.
    Slow down, in quietness and stillness we'll see God.
    ** Exercise: In the morning, (1) give thanks for the gifts we have received; (2) convict our sins; (3) read the Bible; (4) ask for wisdom & direction for the day, strength & patience to face difficulties.
  4. Care casting (Lk 12:22-31; 1 Peter 5):
    Worrying is functionally useless, it has no value -- nothing to be gained.
    Rest in the fact that our heavenly Father, the creator of all thing, knows what we need and our lives, He cares for us.
    "Culture of anxiety" in the City. Allow joy to dominate our heart.
    ** Exercise: (1) List out the worries that trouble us. Take each care and cast to God -- "Father, would you take this one from me?" (2) Spend some time in gardening and bird-watching.
  5. Sabbath rest
    Sabbath was the mark for the Jews to be identified with their believe in the true God. We tend to take this commandment lightly.
    Respect God as our provider that the other 6 days are God's work -- not self accomplishment.
    Live on the Sabbath as the Kingdom has come, the Messiah has come.
    Sabbath is a day for intentional living -- to obey God, stop worrying, stop hurrying accumulating things, enjoy God's creation and His gifts for us, it is not a burden but a gift from God.
    Do whatever thing that will draw us into the company of God.
    Observing sabbath will empower us to work better in the other 6 days.
    ** Exercise: Spare a "sabbath moment" everyday -- to focus on God, trusting Him with our life and work.

Saturday, April 28, 2007



如果被不公平對待的一方所持的自我價值老靠外間去肯定的話會很容易感到受傷害. 有時候甚至對號入座,受到不公平對待時,馬上就認定是因為對方看不起自己某些地方而感到受傷難過.但這些卻不一定看到真實情況.而且,倘若對方真的以貌取人,值得為這麼沒水準的人的話感到傷害麼?



Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Current Lesson...

Cooperating with a Smile by Jon Walker

"Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had – though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave …." (Philippians 2:5-7 NLT)

Discipleship — Cooperation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyway. You'll never find that sentence in the Bible, but I think its spirit is implied throughout God's Word. We are called to be obedient to God's commands, and part of that obedience is having a sensitive servant's attitude.


  • Live the Gospel – How you conduct yourself at work is part of your Christian witness. Today, go beyond the minimum requirements and see how those around you respond. To quote Francis of Assisi: "Share the gospel; if necessary, use words."
  • Change your attitude – Be respectful, helpful, and gracious to those in authority over you – no matter how difficult it may be.
  • Go the extra mile with a smile – Christ said, "If someone compels you to carry his pack one mile, carry it two." People are more likely to listen to what you say when your actions show respect and concern for them, when you do more than the minimum required.
  • Hey God, a little help! – Ask God to turn those tough situations at work into opportunities to share the Gospel, but check your own attitude first.

God is amazing... Whenever He has a lesson for me, He uses different ways, different people or incidents to teach me. He is wise and patient, never pushy and always knows what is the best for me.

Some of my current duties are quite boring. I will lose concentration very soon and start playing some stupid computer games. Sometimes, I will toss back the ball by asking all sorts of questions so that I can deal with the problem later. And it seems I have become less helpful than I used to be...

But then every time I do this, God will mind me to stop. It is not easy to stay disciplined and loyal when one's not interested in the work at all. However, if I truely believe it is God who has put me in this environment and that God is the ultimate Boss for whatever I do, I should be able to accept whatever tasks assigned to me more easily. If I truely regard God as my Lord, I would be more submissive and obedient to His guidance. If I truely believe He plans all these for my own good, I would face adversities more willingly. Only if I do have the faith and right relationship with God.

If adversities, hardship and troubles are means to draw one closer to God by surfacing the problems that stand in the way of pursuit for a deeper relationship with God, then all these can be turned into a blessing.

A faithful and obedient heart. This is what I long for to live out a Christ-like life in whatever situation.


曾憲梓在回應有關普選的提問時,他的回答一針見血 -- 争拗太多,共識太少.





Friday, April 20, 2007


Although this is only a little accomplishment,
this small badge means a lot to me,
especially after failing the driving test!!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007


お食事付だけど(会場は日本人倶楽部で食べ物がおいしいと聞いてる)、目当てはただ一つ ―― テンプスタッフの代表取締役社長 篠原欣子女史による講演会だ。

2004年にBusiness Weekに“Stars of Asia Enterprise”に選ばれたテンプスタッフの創立者であり、
2000年から7年連続CNN/Fortuneに“The Most Powerful Women in Business”を受賞した方だ。

講演会のテーマは「流れのままに一生懸命 ~仕事を通して社会に貢献~」。


  1. 置かれた環境で一所懸命やれば、必ず明日が見えてくる
  2. 壁は必ず乗り越えられる。逃げないで立ち向かうこと
  3. 死んだつもりでやれば何でも出来る
  4. サンドイッチの法則(i.e. アメ→ムチ→アメ、でスタッフ管理ということ)
  5. 成功をあせらず一歩一歩前進すること
  6. 時代の変化・組織の変化を敏感に感じ取り、柔軟に対応すること
  7. 「信頼に勝る商法なし」
  8. ピンチこそチャンス
  9. 部下に活躍のチャンスを



Gourmet Week

Although it is still half way to weekend, this week is marked with all sorts of gourmet experience...


UNI's last day. We bought some favorite food with BIG BIG discount!

The Korean strawberries was gorgeous -- it was as nice as the Japanese Amaou but at half its price. Who can resist this heavenly delicous strawberries -- soft, juicy, intensely sweet & aromatic with a hint of sourness... (~.~)


Friendship is a super spice -- it enhances the flavor of absolutely anything that goes in your mouth.

It was the first time to have lunch with PP1 on a working day. Everything tasted 3 times better than usual! She is such a dear friend. Just wish the lunch time have been longer.


Awesome Peninsula night!

The nostalgic interior in Spring Moon (and the prices on the menu) has created a special mood for our gathering. We enjoyed the food with only a few bottles of red wine and champagne instead of the Chinese white wine storm as usual. Food is fine but delivered no surprise. Still, it is a delighting experience when someone else's paying the bill.

The drink in Felix was even better. Glad that they have a list of nice non-alcoholic drinks since my face was getting so hot from the champagne and wine already. Lemon Sensation was palate-teasing and refreshing; the sweet Caribbean Ocean drew a perfect coda to the night.


Had lunch with G. Never imagined I could have lunch with friends on working day twice in the same week! Our lunch time starts early and it is difficult to meet up with friends for lunch even if we work in the same district.

What a nice gift from our Lord!!

Attended a speech held in the Japanese Club after work. Although the buffet dinner was really mouth-watering, I decided to go home for dinner.

Family, another super seasoning ... ^^

Monday, April 16, 2007






前幾天叔叔到丹麥公幹,當他在機場的店裡買手信的時候,看到絕大部分的東西都不是丹麥製的,就請店員介紹一些Made in Denmark的souvenir,那店員興奮地給他端來一盒藍罐曲奇...




Saturday, April 14, 2007






對老黑的見解基本上是同意的,便宜莫貪是保護自己的黃金道理.只是總覺得奸商實在太可恥了.對名牌奢侈品香港人知其身價也懂得避免被騙(這是各名牌廣告的教育成果),可是在經濟封鎖的日子裡長大的人沒有在自由經濟裡生活的智慧和common sense有甚麼希奇呢?





そもそも蛋撻も「茶餐廳」が流行らせたと言えるかもしれない。20世紀40年代頃から香港のパン屋やケーキ屋で蛋撻を見かけ始めたけど、普及になったのは50年代から茶餐廳で出せられてからだ。 昔の茶餐廳は自家製のパンや焼き菓子で商売している所が多くて、午後3時半頃蛋撻や菓子パンが焼き立てる時間には、美味しい店だと行列ができるのだ。


また、Laura Masonの“Traditional Foods of Britain”によると、イギリスには中世期から似たようなお菓子が既にある。イギリス文化の影響で出来た洋風菓子ではないかと思う。


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


滴嗒... 滴嗒... 滴嗒...





Monday, April 09, 2007

你裝作沒看到我, 而我, 今天連打招呼的勇氣都沒了...

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Lion King

Siu Bak: meow meow meow meow MEAOW!!!
(Translation: ... never underestimate yourself... always believe in yourself... I'm the Lion King of Braemar Hill!!!)

Tea Buffet @ Wooden Table

CC will depart in 3 days time, AA & I were lucky enough to be able to meet her for tea before she goes ^^

We didn't know Wooden Table has started a tea buffet.

On the food table, there were both savory and sweet choices. The savory dishes were lovely -- cream pasta, corn salad & green salad, sauteed baby tomatoes, pan-fried potatoes, fine canapes, spinach cakes, etc., plus a big plate of fresh fruit.

They were very clever to keep their desserts in the display fridge and had the waitress serve it upon request. It is often seen in buffets that people cut the cakes in "creative" ways and left the cake in a mess from the half way. This can prevent the cakes being ruined and wasted.
There were tartlets, 2 types of rich chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, pana cotta (or pudding? can't tell), etc.

The food was better than imagined. But what delighted us most were the dishes individually brought to each customer straight from the kitchen -- first the onion focaccia and baguette basket, then the waffle with vanilla icecream and chocolate sauce, and finally the ginger souffle.

They also offer unlimited serving for drinks. The coffee was very nice.

How much would you pay for a tea buffet like this? $65 is surely value to money.

Good food, good chat, relaxing atmostphere (although the air-con was a bit too cold)... I think we all enjoyed it very much...

Bon voyage!! Little CC!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007





清明節をテーマにした有名な詩の中、一番知られているのは唐朝名詩人杜牧の作品<清明> である。

牧童遙指杏花村 。




Wednesday, April 04, 2007


「人若賺得全世界,卻賠上了生命,又有甚麼益處呢?人還能用甚麼換生命呢? 」



家家有本難唸的經,有錢人的經更像梵文一樣,我這等智慧洞見頭腦分析能力通通欠奉的不敢評人家的家事. 只知道她與他都耗盡了精神力量,忍受外來的批評壓力,抓破臉皮在法庭上爭個你死我活.

結果她贏了,那又如何? 她能帶走甚麼?
如果是他贏了又如何? 他又還有多少年?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


甲:「哇!04... 咁多個4字...! 換過個o黎啦!」
「..., ......」



Monday, April 02, 2007


英文是"chubby", "butterball"

不過,還是會有點失落... >_<

Sunday, April 01, 2007


明天就要考了... 但自己和師傅都覺得有點危...
... 唉...

其實自知是個極有危險駕駛傾向的人. 有一次玩Go Car,兩次失控衝出跑道死車. 在第二次死車的時候工作人員氣沖沖的走過來:「小姐! 有危險o架!」... 結果半被逼地離場. 可怕的是當時只覺得很刺激, 完全沒有驚的感覺. (莫非我有自毀傾向?? )

如果明天合格的話,我可能會仲驚. (雖然真的很希望可以一take過...)

媽媽和哥哥都開車開得很好,不過是完全different style -- 坐媽媽的車很安穩,很舒服,從來沒撞過車,泊車通常一個舦搞掂; 而哥哥愛飛車,技術又好,坐他的車真的很過癮. 不過他們考牌都不是順利一take過,媽媽在考路試時因為開得快被肥過. 而哥哥呢,speeding牛肉乾的數量可以用吋來量度. 他開MR2的時期坐他的車會把腿縮起來,因為怕撞車時engine塌下來壓斷我的腳(這當然把他氣死了...).

看來我這手車應該是家族遺傳... 哈哈...